Primary photos are needed to create your own product. Hence I took some pictures so that I could use it for my final outcome. I think these pictures are very meaning full and they signify what Bruno Mar's music is about.

This is a Microphone. The mic is useful because it signifies music.
My aim is to make a silhouette of the microphone.

This is a picture of me signing into the microphone, I plan to make that into a silhouette. A part of my face was taken because it makes it look like am really singing. I will develop this image into a photoshop stencil. For example: to the right. This was something I had created a while ago.
Picture 3

Picture 4
Picture 5
A bunch of guitars sitting away unused makes it seem lonely and sad and also gives off the same mood as what Bruno Mar's songs give out.
Picture 6
I really like this picture i took, I hope to improve on the image more to make it stand out. It's a great scene of someone playing the piano and i thought this would be a good image to have as an album cover.
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