To get in depth with this package, I looked into the Jakebox website,http://jakebox.com/. They provide many services. They make two type of packaging; one for cards and the other for CD as shown above. The website is also founded by Jakob Skarin. One of the directors of Jakebox has said that this package is different to other packages. I believe so to, this type of package is not common.
The design on this package would link to simple modern art. The simple white background and a strip with the brand name "Nokia".
I think that this package has got a theme, a modern theme. The CD holder tells us that it self. The way the CD is being held make it more modern with a hint of the future. It mimics a CD player as you insert the CD. Also the colours used and the designed adds emphasis on the whole concept of it being modern.
I think the founder of this type of package wants to bring packaging to a whole new level, such package has not been invented before hence Jakob Skarin wants a new and exciting way of presenting a simple CD. He may want to show how effective packaging can be via the design and detail of the product.
For this particular package, card has been used to make the package with the technique of folding to get the form of the package. I think that these type of package would only be done by hand. Maybe the cuttings are machined based but human interactions is mostly. Accurate folding is needed for better details and finish product.
The simplicity of this design on the package consist of gradients and tones alongside basic colours like grey and white. Text is only used once at the front of the package. Jakob Skarin wanted to keep the design simple for "Nokia". It reflects back to Nokias' simple design.
Finally, I have chosen to look at this package because it caught my eye with the way the CD is held and the simple but effective colours used to present this CD and advertise the brand. At first, my reactions to this were that it was simple and effective and the the design of it was flawless.
What I disliked about this work was the content within the package. I expect a more detailed design linking to the brand but all there was a white coloured background.
what I liked about this package was front deign of CD package, it's simple, modern, elegant. It's has great value. The work has inspired me to create a similar final piece to this with extra features. It has provided me with greater understanding of making this package.
In comparison to the other CD package below, I find this one more interesting with the design of the package.

This is another CD that I found very interesting. I found this package to be fascinating because of the simple mechanics behind it. The way the CD pops out gives off a cool image, it's like the CD is sliding out naturally similarly to a CD player. I think the creator wanted that effect on all of us.
This is another CD packaging I found very interesting. I
found this to be fascinating because of the simple mechanics behind it which
gives off an effective motion.
The creator for this CD package is unknown. Well it’s a
unique CD packaging that holds the CD in a special way. It is used for holding
a CD and act like a CD case. This package is used for holding a CD and selling
the CD to its customers. The way the package is constructed appeals to the
customers. I have chosen to analyse this piece of work because I found the way
the CD is held to be very interesting and unique compared to other CD cases. It’s
very different to what you normally find in shops and this stands out and also
the simple look of it makes it more attractive and modern. The light and dark
colours work well alongside the rectangular shape, also something different. Also,
the materials that are used to make this CD package are just cards and paper.
I would associate this work to hand crafting, I believe that
this work was handmade, the reason why I believe so, is that, the paper folding
that has been attempted is neat. Also the use of two parts to create this
package, behind the white card is another thicker card to support the package. I
think the key theme in this package is simplicity which makes it look modern
which is very effective. I think that’s what the write wanted to convey to the
How it works?
Well it’s very simple;
the CD is placed into a slot. Once closed, the CD slides inwards. When it is
opened the bottom paper/card pushes the CD out of the slot. It is then guided
up with folds on either ends of the top layered card. This give off an
"ejecting" effect like you'd expect from a CD player.
I think that the materials being used
within this CD package is thick card and a thinner card. The thicker card is
used at the back to support the package and the thinner is used to hold the CD itself.
The package was handmade I assume. To do this type of work, precise paper
folding is needed along with cutting. It seems to be a simple constructive
package. The colours used compliments each other, the light cream with the dark
brown work well; it contrasts well too making look modern and simple.
Finally, I have chosen to look at this
work because is has caught my attention with the was the CD was held, also the simplicity
of the design. My first reaction was that it was simple but then looking at it
made me realise the flawless finish and how the colours are used.
I like the way the CD pops out, but also, I like how the package
is presented. It's very stylish with very little style. It's simple, easy to
understand. The package makes it whole concept elegant. With this
package, I like the colour used, the cream inner layer and the dark drown outer
layer, they both contrast well, the inner layer give off an elegant feeling and
the brown gives off a luxurious atmosphere, like a warm feeling.
I found this CD package whilst researching unique CD packaging. It is called "Double Trouble" by a well known company called "acdsleeve". Tom Leggett is the owner, designer, manufacture of these types of CD cases. He founded this company and started building it up him self working with just cardboard and craft knife after he left university. He had the passion for music and design hence the CD cases. So this was one of his creation, the "Double Trouble". It is used for holding two regular size CDs. The designer of this work made it from cardboard and a craft knife. This was made back in October 2010. It is for a rock band. I have chosen to analyse this work because I liked the way how the CDs pop out of the CD case and the colours used. Also the way the designer has folded the card to portray this effect caught my eye.
This is a hand made work using cards and a craft knife which I think is very detailed, although the design on the case may have been created using software. I would associate this work with modern art. The theme within this CD case is music, it's centralized around music, the image and writing all related to one music band. From the design and the layout, the package tells me that this is rock band. The black and white colours convey this feeling and also the drawings and the draft like hand writing emits that this is for a music band. From the pictures that are used, it conveys to us that this band are into heavy metal, the name of the album it self is called "Big Scary Monster " with a goofy looking monster holding a mug.
I assume the materials used in this work is card and a bit of plastic to hold the CD. The creator used his cutting skills which are very detailed as you can see in the image above. I think that there are two layers to this case, one to support the top layer where the CD is folded in. I assume that it was stock down together.
Finally, I chose to analyse this work piece because of the way the two CDs pop out, it's very unique but very simple to do and create. I also liked the way the imageries were used for example the monster on one of the CD is white and on the other CD it's black, it shows how there maybe two sides to this rock band, maybe the white monster is for peaceful music and the black monster is more or dark heavy full on metal music. What I don't like about this is that the case is just card, I think that the case should be more thicker, it makes it look fragile. This type of case is very unique this is why I it caught my eyes, it's something I haven't seen before.This has truly inspired me for create a unique CD case.
I Whiss to have the TEMPLATES for all that CD POPUP MODELS, specialy the JAKE BOX and the DOUBLE TROUBLE, SO were I can finf the Templates??
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